Celebrating 50 years of Earned Income Tax Credit


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EITC: 50 years of strengthening America’s working families

Join us in celebrating the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)! EITC has played a crucial role in lifting millions of low- to moderate- income workers out of poverty for 50 years. The Tax Reduction Act of 1975 introduced EITC as a modest tax break to provide financial help to economically challenged families and encourage work. Claiming the credit can reduce the tax owed or may also give a larger refund. Over the years, EITC has evolved into one of the federal government’s largest antipoverty programs through a series of legislative changes.

EITC 50th Anniversary Key Milestone Graphic

Source: Congressional Research Service, Report 44825

Over its history, EITC has a significant impact in the lives of eligible taxpayers claiming the credit. Many taxpayers use their EITC refund to meet their basic needs, such as food and housing.

Who qualifies

Four out of five eligible taxpayers receive the EITC. This means millions of taxpayers are putting EITC dollars to work for them. However, one in five represent millions of taxpayers not taking advantage of this valuable credit they've earned. Every year almost a third of those who qualify for EITC for the first time is due to changes in their marital, parental, or financial status.

You may claim the EITC if your income is low- to moderate. The amount of your credit may change if you have children, dependents, are disabled or meet other criteria.

Military and clergy should review our special EITC rules because using this credit may affect other government benefits.

Check if you qualify

How to claim this credit

Get instructions on how to claim the EITC for past tax years. Find information on how to avoid common errors.

Get involved - 50 years of EITC across 50 states and Puerto Rico!

Join us for EITC Awareness Day: In January 2025, we will celebrate the 19th anniversary of EITC Awareness Day, a specific day established to promote the benefits of the EITC across the 50 states and Puerto Rico.

Find out how you can advocate for the EITC and contribute to ongoing efforts to enhance its benefits. Join campaigns, participate in community events, and spread the word about the importance of this crucial credit. See some tried and true tips for planning a successful EITC Awareness Day campaign.
