EITC Key communication messages

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These are the key messages for the 2025 filing season. The messages center on reaching those who are eligible for EITC, encouraging individuals to find out if they qualify for the credits, directing them to free tax preparation options and informing them to the consequences and value of wisely choosing a paid tax preparer.

This year we are targeting these credits which may be refundable — the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Child Tax Credit (CTC), the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), Credit for Other Dependents (ODC), the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and/or the head of household (HOH) filing status.

2025 filing season EITC key messages

Earned Income Tax Credit. Be tax ready. Get it and get it right. Check out the EITC Assistant to see if you qualify.

You work hard. See if the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) can work just as hard for you.

Do you have a child that qualifies you for the earned income tax credit? Check to see if you also qualify for the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents.

No children or no qualifying children? You may still qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Check out the EITC Assistant to see if you qualify.

Don’t miss out on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Last year, eligible workers received an average EITC amount of $2748.

Did you earn less than $$59,899 ($66,819 if married filing jointly)? Then you may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

There are special Earned Income Tax Credit rules for members of the military, members of the clergy, and taxpayers with certain types of disability income or a child who is disabled.

EITC errors can cost you. Choose your tax preparer wisely.

Some refunds held until mid-February

By law, if you claimed either the EITC or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), the IRS can't issue your refund before mid-February. The IRS must hold the entire refund and cannot perform a partial refund release, such as the non-EITC/ACTC withholding portion.

The IRS expects the earliest EITC/ACTC related refunds to be available in bank accounts or debit cards by the first week of March, if you chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with your tax return.

You can track the status of your refund with the Where’s My Refund? tool available on IRS.gov or the IRS2Go mobile app.

Free tax help

Free tax preparation help is available online and through a volunteer organization near you.

Other refundable tax credits

Qualify for EITC? See what other tax credits are available.

Tax preparers

Due diligence. Get it right the first time.

Due diligence includes EITC, CTC/ACTC/ODC, AOTC and/or the HOH filing status.

Invest in due diligence to avoid problems. Have more time to grow your business.

Avoid audits for you and your clients. Apply due diligence.

Paid preparer due diligence training - Know the law. Apply your knowledge. Ask all the right questions. Get all the facts. Document as you go and keep records.

Practice due diligence to avoid common errors.

Review due diligence requirements before the filing season starts.

Learn best practice interview techniques, take the due diligence training.

Take the due diligence training. Use best practice interview techniques.

Additional EITC reference material

  • EITC fast facts - Facts you can use in letters to local editors, newsletter articles, feature stories or on web sites and Facebook pages. And facts you can rely on as accurate.
  • Tips for writing a feature story - See our handy tips for writing your own feature story with links to important facts and statistics to help.
  • EITC statistics by state - Find the number of EITC Claims, the total EITC amount paid and the average amount paid per claim for tax returns filed during the year.

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