With your help, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) can deliver needed cash to eligible workers in your community. The EITC is not just an economic boost to working families, it also helps your local economy. Alan Berube of the Brookings Institution raises some key issues in his report, Using the Earned Income Tax Credit to Stimulate Local Economies, on how EITC provides this boost to your local economy:
- For many low-wage workers, the tax refund which includes EITC is the largest payment they receive all year.
- Surveys and federal expenditure analysis indicates most EITC recipients use the funds to meet short- to medium-term needs: buying clothes for their children, replacing old furniture and appliances, repairing a vehicle, going on a trip, or catching up on past-due rent and utility bills.
- Spending EITC in the local area creates important ripple effects as dollars move among consumers, businesses, and their employees.
State revenue agencies
If you promote your state EITC, consider promoting federal EITC at same time. The more dollars brought into your local economy, the more revenue you collect. And keep in mind that even if your state does not offer EITC, the federal EITC still brings a lot of money into your community.
Targeted messages
- If you earned less than $59,899 ($66,819 if married filing jointly) in 2024, go to the Earned Income Tax Credit page on IRS.gov to find out if you qualify
- If you qualify for (enter name of your credit), find out whether you also qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit on IRS.gov
Real estate or housing authorities
Reach out to those having problems paying their rent or mortgage or keeping up with home repairs.
Targeted message
- Need help paying your mortgage or for home repairs? If you earned less than $59,899 ($66,819 if married filing jointly) in 2024, find out whether you qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit on IRS.gov
Vendor regulatory and/or licensing agencies
Reach out to those who are self-employed and to employers.
Targeted messages
- If your earnings from a business you own or from a farm is less than $59,899 ($66,819 if married filing jointly) in 2024, find out whether you also qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit on IRS.gov
- Do you hire someone to work for you? If they earn less than $59,899 ($66,819 if married filing jointly) in 2024, make sure they know about EITC. It can boost their income at no cost to you. Find out more at Earned Income Tax Credit on IRS.gov
EITC key messages
- Did you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit? See whether you also qualify for the Child Tax Credit/Additional Child Tax Credit/Credit for Other Dependents.
- You work hard. So see if the EITC can work just as hard for you.
- Free tax preparation help is available online and through a volunteer organization near you.
- You earned it. Now file, claim it and get it.
- Avoid EITC errors. Visit your local VITA/TCE site for free tax help.
- Refunds received from the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or any other tax credit are not considered income for any federal or federally funded public benefit program. For more information, see Publication 4808 PDF, or contact your state, tribal or local government benefit coordinator.
- EITC. Be Tax Ready. Get it and get it right. Check out the an>EITC Assistant.
- Don’t guess about EITC eligibility; find out with the EITC Assistant, only at IRS.gov.
- Do you qualify for the EITC? You may also qualify for the Child Tax Credit and the Credit for Other Dependents.
- No children? You may still qualify for the EITC. Check out the EITC Assistant.
- Let our IRS certified volunteers help you get the credit you earned -- for free.
More resources
- EITC fast facts - Facts you can use in letters to local editors, newsletter articles, feature stories or on websites and Facebook pages. And facts you can rely on as accurate.
- EITC fact sheets - Pass along these fact sheets to keep members of your community informed. You can distribute electronically or on paper.
- Publications and products - Download or view IRS publications specific to EITC.
- Find out what others are doing